If your super account is under $2,000 and you are considered an ‘un-contactable’ or ‘inactive’ member, your balance will be sent to the ATO.
Un-contactable Members:
- Haven’t had a contribution or rollover into their super account in the past 12 months, and
- The fund has either, never had an address for them, or two pieces of written correspondence returned as unclaimed mail.
Inactive Members:
- Joined their fund through their employer more than two years ago, and
- Haven’t had a contribution or rollover into their super account in the past five years.
For anyone 65 and over, their super will be transferred if they haven’t made a contribution for two years and their fund hasn’t been able to contact them for five years.
(adapted from p7, SuperBusiness March 2014)
Unsure of your super status or have multiple accounts? We can help you merge them into the one superannuation account.